Fitness Motivation Tips | 6 Easy Ways to Stay Motivated
Looking for health and fitness motivation tips? Do you feel stuck and unsatisfied?
Rest assured, you are not alone in this predicament. I teamed up with a registered kinesiologist, Anisa, personal trainer, Nash and certified yoga instructor, Batool for their insights. We want to help you kickstart the new year with impactful health advice and motivational fitness tips.
Anisa: Through all the trials and tribulations we’ve faced on a personal and global level, our mental and physical health took a toll whether we recognized it or not.
Batool: People are facing the added pressure of balancing their mental and physical wellbeing.
If there is one thing we can all agree on, it is to prioritize your health. You will see massive benefits in every aspect of your life. If there is anything that 2020 has taught us, it’s that our health should be top of mind.
Anisa: This is the time to start the year off right and take control of how we want it to be. A great place to start is to focus on our health and fitness.
If you are interested in optimizing your mental health as well, be sure to check out these free mental health resources.
- Why you should care more about your health
- 6 Fitness tips to stay motivated and healthy
- Connect with an expert
Why you should care about your health | Fitness motivation tips
The story I tell myself is if I don’t prioritize my health today, I may suffer the consequences in the future. There is no point in overstressing and making poor health choices for temporary satisfaction.
If you don’t tackle your poor lifestyle choices now and really think about what you are doing, you may be dealing with a lot of chronic health issues and expensive health bills when you’re older. I want to be able to reap the benefits of all my hard work over the years and have minimal health concerns.
Anisa: But why are making these changes so important?
Our mental health is so important during these times. Why not do something about it? Especially when you have complete control over things like your health and fitness?
Start doing small daily tasks to improve your health and fitness lifestyle. Your energy levels will increase, your mood will be uplifted and your mental health will be stronger.
1. Exercise keeps us healthy and in good shape (well, that’s a no brainer)
Batool: The more you do it, the greater the benefit. There is no escaping the fact that exercise helps to keep our body in shape. It works up the sweat that removes all the toxins from our bodies. It even burns the extra kilos that we have piled-up from all that take-out food during the pandemic.
Exercise also improves your immune system and makes it stronger. This is from the resilience your body is building when it is in constant movement and motion.
2. It is excellent for our mental well-being
Batool: The majority of us exercise to stay physically fit but there is a very important element to this and that is the mental benefits.
Exercise releases the chemical in our brains called the happy hormone or endorphins. These are the “feel-good” hormones much like morphine that inhibits the feeling of pain in our body. This essentially makes us release all the tension and stress that we are harboring in the upper chamber.
You’d ask why this is suddenly more important now during the pandemic? Well, we now struggle to constantly adapt to new ways of doing things. This causes immense pressure on us, our partners and family members. Change is difficult and brings with it the added stress which is why it is time to act. Get down to doing your crunches and burpees to help you cope during the pandemic.
3. Keeps you busy and occupied
Batool: For those who are worried about the minimal social interactions and social distancing- seems like many of our hobbies that we once did with our peers are no longer sustainable. Instead, we find ourselves stuck at home after work and on the weekends with minimal activities to keep ourselves busy.
This is the ideal time to get back on your yoga mat that is tucked away in the basement somewhere or to hop on the treadmill that needs oiling now – maybe?
4. Increases productivity at work
Batool: No matter what you do or whatever your means of income or livelihood is, you need to be active in order to perform better. The more productive you are, the more work you will get done hence better performance and more pay/appreciation.
This probably is another area that we tend to ignore but our mental and physical health plays a great role in our performance at work.
You should try and see this for yourself by exercising for a period of at least two weeks and observe your energy level during that time. Then quit for two weeks and see how your energy level changes over the course of that period. This is a tried and tested approach by many fitness enthusiasts, I included who claim that on the days we exercise we feel in better spirits and our energy levels are top-notch.
5. Great for your personal and professional relationships
Batool: Many people that I have spoken to, are maintaining their fitness routines during the pandemic by completing joint workouts with family, friends and co-workers.
Some are even exercising with their pets and they find it thoroughly satisfying. This new concept of couple-workouts and even combined fitness routines with friends and family has an ever-lasting impact on relationships.
There are a camaraderie, a team-spirit and even a healthy competition amongst people that are exercising together in groups.
This has helped people in their personal, social and professional relationships. Some are even touting that exercising together has helped them stay motivated and has increased their level of commitment to their fitness goals.
6. Improves your quality of sleep
Batool: There is ample research on the internet that says that all sleep troubles can be cured with a consistent exercise routine. If you visit your doctor today and complain about having insomnia or sleep issues, the first thing any medical practitioner recommends before prescribing medication is incorporating a fitness routine.
Numerous books have been written on the REM topic and they all vouch for the importance of staying true to the movement of the body in ways that can help the muscles relax.
During the pandemic, our schedules are haywire; some of us are resorting to drinking to calm us down, others are eating more often because of being at home. All these things impact our sleep and the way to balance this out is to get down and work up a sweat.
And here I rest my case as I have provided enough proof of why it is more essential during the pandemic to maintain a fitness schedule. Even if it means connecting to a Zoom session for a yoga/Zumba class or a virtual boot-camp. So, go get your trainers, lace-up and get going!
6 Fitness tips to stay motivated and healthy
Anisa: Prioritizing your health and fitness doesn’t have to be overly complicated. It doesn’t mean working out intensely every single day or getting on the latest FAD diet to quickly shed off the unwanted weight over the holidays or from 2020 itself.
It can be simple, small actions in our everyday lifestyle to make long-term sustainable changes.
Here are a few examples of how you can prioritize your health & fitness every day:
1. Nutrition – Eat more nutrient-dense food
Anisa: Focusing on having a balanced diet can really improve overall digestion, energy levels and mood.
Make a conscious effort to eat more nutrient-dense foods like chicken and turkey breasts, a variety of fruits and vegetables and drinking water regularly.
2. Fitness – Feel strong and empowered
Anisa: Look at movement as a celebration of what our bodies can do instead of a punishment for what we’ve eaten or to simply get to a certain body goal.
Get into a consistent and sustainable workout routine 3-5 times/week. This can make a drastic difference in your overall health and strength.
You can go for 30-45min walks every day or do yoga/meditation for 15min/day, Feeling strong and healthy is very empowering and vital for our mental health.
3. Mindset – Believe it is possible
Anisa: Write down every day or say out loud what you’re grateful for and what you’re proud of. Once you start reflecting on the positives at the daily level, your mindset will shift and a positive mindset is so powerful. You unlock a lot of your potential.
Nash: One of my clients once mentioned that she was tired of feeling lazy and dissatisfied with her body. She wanted to change her lifestyle completely and experience the benefits of being in shape (for which there are so many things I could go on about). It was also paramount that she had at least one cheat meal a week. She couldn’t stay motivated after a few days because that’s just how she is.
As a trainer, when I hear “that’s just how I am”, this person has essentially allowed themselves an outright from the get-go. With that mindset, they do not stay consistent and do not follow through with their commitments. The stories they tell themselves is, it’s okay because “that’s just how they are” and there’s nothing they can change.
This mindset is holding people back from staying consistent and motivated. If you’re working out to better your body, mind and spirit, you have to make it a lifestyle.
You have to already be and act like the person you’re already visualizing you’re going to turn into.
If you’re 200lbs and have aspirations to drop 50lbs, you need to have the work ethic of someone who is already 150lbs. You can’t default to your old habits and make excuses for yourself. It will trap you in a never-ending cycle of starting and stopping your fitness journey which is equivalent to running in a hamster wheel.
4. Mental – Challenge yourself
Nash: My biggest takeaway is to always challenge yourself and don’t get too comfortable with the person you are today.
Life is all about growing. Do something in the moment that will make you better tomorrow and for years to come.
5. Personal – Stop making excuses right from the get-go
Nash: The most important trait that someone can have when beginning a workout program or a diet is to not make any excuses right from the get-go.
Set yourself up with some good habits and don’t make excuses.
Try to always challenge that inner voice that wants to stay with the status quo.
6. Motivation – Find inspiration
It’s hard to be disciplined and find your own motivation. So learn from other people’s stories, their hardship and how they overcame it.
Check out David Goggins’ story where he talks about how he was 300lbs and then became a Navy Seal.
You can also join Facebook groups or find friends to keep each other accountable. When you start searching, you will be surprised by the support you will find.
Looking for more fitness motivation and tips? Connect with an expert
Anisa (IG @anisaalbusaidy): As a Registered Kinesiologist and Online Transformation Coach, I see many people struggle and feel discouraged to start because it seems very overwhelming.
This is why I teach my clients how to make small adjustments to their specific lifestyles so they can reach their overall goals in the long-term. I’m all about sustainability. No crazy workouts, no restrictive diets, just simple daily actions to get them to their overall health and fitness goals.
Interested in learning more? Book a free 15min call with me today. Let’s discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle:
Trust me, if you can make exercise as habitual in your life as showering or brushing your teeth, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner!
Nash D Fitness (IG @nashdfitness): As someone who’s etched fitness and dieting into their lives for the better part of a decade now, I can say that there is nothing better you can do for your body and mind.
The impact fitness can have on your self-confidence, mood, and health is something that for me personally is irreplaceable. It will impact all different facets of your life. It will also help you stay focused on becoming the best version of yourself.
Having trained my fair share of clients over the past few years, finding motivation is frequently brought up.
It’s one of the biggest reasons I find people hire trainers. They’re simply putting the job on the trainer to be that source of encouragement. And give them that push day in and day out that they might not be able to do for themselves.
If you are interested in training with Nash, be sure to check out his online programs and personal training services.
Batool Hussain (IG @thesamadhiinitiative): is a Certified Yoga Instructor 200Hrs and founder of the start-up, The Samadhi Initiative. She also creates beautiful customized cork yoga mats, a perfect eco-friendly solution for all your yoga needs.
Let’s Connect:
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