Things to Do When Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed

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Feeling stressed from work or school? To help you better manage your stress, I created a list of self-care activities and resources for quick stress relief.

10 Stress Relieving Activities

  1. 10 minutes of intense exercise
    • Firstly, complete a quick workout and get your heart pumping! I can assure you after an intense workout session, you will feel level-headed and relieved.
    • If you are unsure what to do, search up on Youtube for a quick 10-minute intense full-body workout. As a result, feel better and look good!
  2. Create your own stress ball
    • Check out this youtube video to create your own DIY stress ball. It is a good short-term distraction as there are various designs and textures to choose from. All in all, the process in itself can be stress-relieving so have fun with it!
  3. Listen to stress-relieving music
  4. Ensure you had a good night’s sleep and ate a good meal
    • Your body can be drained of its essential nutrients and care. Your body may be feeling overwhelmed and is trying to tell you to slow down and rest. Moreover, simple solutions such as a nap or meal can help you feel better immediately.
  5. Use essential oils or use your favourite candle
    • Certain aromas can calm the body so try out different scents to see what works.
  6. Mini meditation session
  7. Talk to someone
    • Sometimes all we need is to talk to a friend or family member to feel better.
  8. Go for a walk
    • Change your environment and distract the mind while getting some fresh air.
  9. Create a to-do list
    • An article written by the University of Waterloo suggests making a to-do list. We can be overwhelmed by the list of responsibilities. Also, writing it down can give you a better idea of what task needs to be prioritized and what can be delayed.
  10. Play with your pet

Other Resources

Other stress management videos you can check out:

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